Ethical Behavior in Research - Statswork

Ethical Behavior in Research Organizations (Ferrell and Skinner 1988)

The Components of Attitudes Towards Ethical behavior in research organization developed by Ferrell and Skinner is a multidimensional measure using a 6-point Likert scale items ranging from 6 Strongly Disagree to 1 Strongly Agree

The Three components are:

This relationship is examined in the three types of organizations involved in marketing research activities-data subcontractor organizations, research firms (marketing research agencies), and corporate research department


Ferrell and Skinner

Reliability and Validity

Construct Reliability for the six-month scale was 0.71.Standerstaized lodgings across the items ranged from 0.43 to 0.66. In terms of predictive validity. The scale was used as the dependent variables with predictor variables of formalization, Centralization and controls. Across the three sub sample, the ethics scales were positively related to formalization ranged from 0.18 to 0.27. Mixed results were found for the other two independent variables.

Ethical Behavior And Bureaucratic Structure

Organizational control is a cycle that includes the three stages of target setting, measuring or monitoring, and feedback (Ouchi 1977). Obviously, one strategy for control could be market control whereby exchange relations and ethical behavior are monitored. Controls in the bureaucracy can consist of rules, standards, and internal procedures that could influence ethical behavior. The organizational culture also can exert control by influencing shared values and philosophical orientations toward ethical behavior.

Administration, Analysis and Reporting

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