The study adopted survey and correlational design for this quantitative study (Creswell, 2014).
The choice of justification is as follows: Firstly, the study objective is to observe the user acceptance, and identify the specific learning and teaching style of students and faculties exhibited in the study data. Therefore, survey design procedure would be the best choice in quantitative research in which questionnaire is administered to target population in this case students and faculties.
Secondly, the correlational design would be another best choice as study does not stop with observing the trends, but also examine the impact of user acceptance on behavioural intention and role of learning and teaching style and demographic factors on this relationship. Therefore, the correlational design would be the perfect choice for this research.
Both these design ensures the greater validity as it applies empirical data collection method (Creswell, 2014; 2009; Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007; Doyle, Brady & Byrne, 2009). The design approach is therefore appropriate to determine convergence of perspectives and corroboration of results from different perspectives of faculty and students.

Figure 1: Research Frameworks; Source: Author (2015)
In this study, the researcher adopted a multilevel relationship which involved the use of two or more sets of sample that were extracted from different levels of the study (i.e., different populations). This study has adopted quantitative approach to sample both students and teachers. Kemper, Stringfield and Teddlie (2003) defined it as an occurring “when probability and purposive sampling techniques are used on different levels of the study”. The study adopted for this research is presented in Figure 1, and this approach facilitated the collection and analysis of data from two sample groups, students and instructors.