Domain-Specific Innovativeness: Dsi - statswork

Domain-Specific Innovativeness: Dsi

Domain- or product category-specific innovativeness reflects the tendency to learn about and adopt innovations (new products) within a specific domain of interest. This definition is consistent with the contention that innovativeness must be identified and characterized on a product category or domain basis.


Goldsmith, Ronald, and Leisa Reinecke Flynn

Reliability and Validity

The correlations of the six items with four measures of criterion validity ranged from .26 to .40 across items. Correlations of the DSI with seven criterion validity measures ranged from .07 to .78. In Study 3, alpha for the scale was .82, and the positive and negative halves of the scale had a correlation of -.71. The convergent and discriminant validity of the DSI, and alpha was reported to be .85, .83, and .83 across three different product categories.

The DSI is a six-item scale where the items are scored on 5-point disagree-agree formats. Item scores are summed to form an overall DSI score, and the DSI is considered uni-dimensional. There are two versions of the DSI. Each version has three positively worded items and three negatively worded items. Therefore, versions can be used interchangeably and are considered applicable to a wide number of product domains.

Administration, Analysis and Reporting

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