Market Orientation (Narver and Slater 1990) - statswork

Market Orientation (Narver and Slater 1990)

The authors describe their scale as a one-dimensional construct but develop multiple-item measures for each of the above facets. The final scale is composed of 15 Likert-type items scored on 7-point scales ranging from the business unit does not engage in the practice at all (I) to the business unit engages in the practice to a very great extent (7). Indices for the first three components are derived by summing the item scores within components and dividing by the number of items in the component. An overall market orientation index is derived by averaging the item scores across all the items of the three behavioral components. The other two components were not included in calculating the market orientation index because of their low levels of reliability.


Naraver and Slater

Reliability and Validity

Coefficient alpha estimates for the six-item customer orientation facet were .85 and .87 (the sample of 371 was split into two groups of 190 and 175). Corresponding estimates for the four-item competitor orientation and five-item inter functional coordination facets were .72 and .73, and 71 and 73, respectively. For the overall sample, the correlations among these three components ranged from .66 to73, and alpha for the 15-item scale (i.e., items from the three components as one overall scale) was .88. Thus, these three components exhibited satisfactory levels of reliability.

The author states the following, in reference to using the

Researchers who wish to use the. MARKET ORIENTATION Naraver and Slater 1990 I ask only that the reference for these measures be reported in any published document and that the researchers send me basic psychometric data (e.g., means, standard deviations, alphas, and correlations with other measures) for the measure based on their sample.

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