Hispanicness: An Index to measure hispanicness - statswork

Hispanicness: An Index to measure hispanicness


The six indicators of "Hispanicness" were measured using questions and coding scheme in an Index ranging from 6 to 23, where both Hispanics and white non-Hispanics were scored. The six indicators of hispanicness were

  • Strength of ethnic self-identification
  • English language ability
  • Extent of Spanish spoken at home
  • Preferred language for communication (English or Spanish)
  • Ratio of length of residence in US/Age
  • Miscegenation

Reverse scoring was used on English language ability to restore directional consistency of the overall index. Lower scores in the "Hispanicness" index indicate lower acculturation. Non-Hispanics were reverse scored on the strength of ethnic identification item.


Valencia. H 1985

  • Alpha of Consumer Acculturation Test (CAT) = 0.79
  • To measure association between CAT and Hispanicness among Hispanics, Pearson product moment correlation was used 0.166 (p<0.37).
  • To measure association between CAT and Hispanicness among Hispanics born abroad and emigrated to US, Spearman correlation coefficient was used. 3.535
  • (p<.000) and if US lived ratio indicator is not measured, then correlation is 0.477 (p<.001).
  • In consumer behavior difference, scores in the index from 6 to 12 were high Hispanicness and 13 to 19 were considered low hispanicness.

Obtaining the CATH

Texas Tech University

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