Possessions: Attachment to Possessions (Ball and Tasaki 1992) - statswork

Possessions: Attachment to Possessions (Ball and Tasaki 1992)


Attachment is defined as “the extent to which an object is owned, expected to be owned, or previously owned by an individual, is used by the individual to maintain his or her self-concept”. Attachment suggests that self-schemata is dependent on ownership of an object, and it includes both private and public facets of the self and possessions.


There are nine components of Possesions: Attachment to possessions which is outlined as under

  • Attachment forms with specific material objects, not product categories or brands
  • Attachment possessions must be psychologically appropriated
  • Attachments are self-extensions
  • Attachments are decommodified and singularized
  • Attachment requires a personal history between person and possession
  • Attachment has the property of strength
  • Attachment is multi-faceted
  • Attachment is emotionally complex
  • Attachments evolve over time as the meaning of the self changes


The attachment scale is composed of nine items as mentioned above and these items are scored on a 6 point Likert type scales that range from disagree (1) to agree (6). It seems that item scores could be summed to form an overall score for the scale ranging from 9 to 54.


Factor analysis of the nine items revealed that a single factor accounted for 87% of the common variance in the data, offering some evidence for a single dimension. Coefficient alpha for the nine items was 0.93. Using the attachment scale as a dependent variable, several mean-level difference tests via ANOVA showed support for the scale’s validity. Correlations of the attachment scale with measures of the emotional significance of possessions, materialism and social desirability were 0.503, 0.159 and -0.069, respectively. The first two correlations were significant (p <0.01), and the last correlation was not, offering some evidence of nomological validity for the scale with no contamination from social desirability bias.


Ball, Dwayne and Lori Tasaki. 1992. "The Role and Measurement of Attachment in Consumer Behavior." Journal of Consumer Psychology 1 (2): 155-172.

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