Weekly Lesson based solutions - statswork

Weekly Lesson based solutions

Conduct a two-way ANOVA to evaluate the differences among the groups, according to gender and disability status of the child, in the amount of time fathers spent playing with their children.



UNIANOVA play BY disable WITH gender





/DESIGN=gender disable.

Which follow-up procedure you use? Why?

We used Pair-wise comparison for the follow procedure to determine which pairs are significantly different for the following reasons:

  • Main effect has more than 2 groups (disability of child), and
  • The main effect was disability status of child was significant

However, with more than 2 groups, you will need to conduct pair-wise comparisons within each IV to determine which pairs are significantly different.

Write a Results section reporting the results of the analysis.

A 2 X 2 ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the differences among the groups, according to gender and disability status of the child, in the amount of time fathers spent playing with their children. From this analyses one can observe that the effect of Gender was not significant, F < 1, but the results showed that the main effect of disability status of child was significant, F = 27.3, p < .001. The mean disability status of child across different category was significantly different (Typically developing =7.05; physical disability=3.20; mental retardation =3.65).

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