Qualitative Research Methodology - statswork

Qualitative Research Design Methodology


Qualitative Research Design

Qualities of Theory Dubin (1969) Thomas Tyinon (1982) Eisenhardt (1989) Meredith (1993) Wacker (1998)
Allow predictions. ♦ ♦ ♦
Increase understanding/explanations ♦ ♦ ♦
It is interesting (i.e.non-trivial) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Includes attributes, variables ♦ ♦ ♦
Explain the interaction / relationship among variables and attributes ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Do not include composite variables (i.e. undefined elements) ♦ ♦
Domain where it is applied (i.e. Includes boundary criteria) ♦ ♦ ♦
Uniqueness (contribution) ♦ ♦
Application of the theory to other environments (i.e. generalisability) ♦ ♦
Theory simplicity and parsimony^3 ♦ ♦
Logically coherent ♦ ♦ ♦
Linking existing theory with theoretical novelty of the construct ♦ ♦ ♦

Qualities of testing theory

Qualities of Theory Testing Eisen- hard! (1989) Kasanen et a4 (1993) Yin(1994) Easterby -Smith (1999) Kekale (2001) Voss (2002)
Provide evidence to answer the research questions/ support a proposed theory - Relevant samples - Provide sufficient evidence to substantiate the conclusions that have to be drawn • • •
Show a proof of logic and mastery of research methodology process - Internal validity - Construct validity • • • • • •
Show practical functionality of the construct (proposed) theory • •
Gives a work reality • •
Provides precise information • •
Provides new insights •

Criteria for the evaluation of qualitative research

Generic Criteria of Evaluation 'controls' TB TT TB
The construct allows predictions or increases understanding ✓ i
The construct is non-trivial ✓ ✓
The construct includes attributes, variables, etc ✓ ✓
The construct does not include undefined variables ✓ ✓
Provides research boundary 'scope of the construct' ✓ v
Rigour of the research methodology process a) shows proof of logical research methodology design b) Internal validity c) Construct validity d) External validity e) Reliability ✓ ✓
Contains evidence to support the construct a) Select relevant samples and cases b) Provide sufficient evidence to substantiate the conclusions that have been drawn
Contribution to knowledge ✓ ✓
Contribution to practice a) practical relevance b) practical functionality ✓ ✓
Linking existing theory with theoretical novelty of the construct ✓ * ✓
Application of the construct on other environments * ✓

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