Statswork is a pioneer statistical consulting company providing full statistical assistance including academic, educational institutions and non-government organizations across the globe. We provide end-to-end solutions for all your analytical needs that include creating hypothetical framework to power point presentation. The objective is to provide prompt, reliable, and understandable information about data analysis to our clients. Our team consists of doctorates with a minimum of 2 years’ experience mandatory in the research field. Further, team at Statswork have experience in handling range of statistical tools such as exploratory data analysis, probability distribution, estimation and hypothesis testing, linear regression and correlation, multiple regression, time series, quality and productivity, experimental design, analysis of variance, non-parametric, Bayesian decision making, factor analysis, MANOVA, discriminate analysis. Our team at Statswork possess strong critical and analytical thinking, problem solving, data analysis (Drawing conclusions), Communicating and presenting findings, and decision making skills. However, at the bottom line we possess skills that associated with decision making rather than making spreadsheets. Customer satisfaction is a key mantra and thus, our activity is totally customer oriented. Experience on-time reliability within your budget limit.
Our Statisticians
StatsWork team comprised of doctorate and Master’s Degree in statistics and biostatistics. The team is led by researchers from Harvard & Alabama. Our team also has an experience and skills in handling business and economic & finance statistics, production statistics, epidemiology, public health, biostatistics, Research methodology and study design expertise, subject matter expertise and copy editors. Our research expertise has rich experience and has sound statistical knowledge including interpretation of statistical reports. Our team is trained in a number of areas including sampling, sample size calculation, data processing, and data preparation and planning for statistical development.

Our QualityWe offer three tier quality check process.
Stage 1
Subject Matter expertise
Under stage I, once we receive the statistical report from the statisticians, the report is sent to the domain specific expertise where they cross check the language (subject specific) used, style of writing, and cross check the statistical report including tables and figures against the studies conducted previously. This process ensures that the report is at par with the published studies conducted in the specific domain area.

Stage 2
Quality Check
At this stage, our quality checking team checks the report against the requirement given by the client. We ensure to check the following: 1) grammar and spelling errors 2) formatting of tables and figures 3) Table & Figure names 4) interpretation of findings 5) Headings and Table of content 6) Specific style (e.g. APA) to be followed 7) requirement by the client including any specific instructions.
Stage 3
Quality Assurance
At this stage, the quality assurance team assure the above quality check using the checklists & stylesheet. Final statistical report will be scrutinized for plagiarism check and if any will be corrected at the stage by subject matter expertise and statistician. With final check, the report is delivered to the client through email or CRM.

Directories & Resources
DataAnalysis Plan for qualitative research
Data Analysis Plan for quantitative Research
Data Analysis Planfor ANOVA
Data AnalysisPlan for Man-Whitney
Statistics SampleWork Database
Sample Size calculator
Power Calculation
Harvard Reference Generator
Vancouver Reference Generator
APA reference Generator
Financial RatioCalculator