Compare and contrast one way ANOVA and two way ANOVA in data analysis


  • ANOVA is a mathematical method for evaluating hypotheses based on experimental evidence. The relationships between the two groups are examined in this section.
  • One-way ANOVA is used in place, where there is only one independent variable with several levels. When there are two independent variables with multiple levels, two-way ANOVA is used.
  • Survey analysis is one of the most commonly used research methods, scholars, market researchers, Market research qualitative data analysis and specific qualitative approach who taken (field study, ethnography content analysis, oral history, biography, unobtrusive. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used when you have a categorical independent variable.


When it comes to Data analysis in finance, economics, psychology, sociology, biology, and other fields, the Analysis of Variance, also known as ANOVA, is a critical method. It is a method used by researchers to compare more than two populations and aid in simultaneous experiments. The aim of ANOVA is twofold. In a one-way ANOVA, the researcher only considers one variable.

In two-way ANOVA, on the other hand, the researcher examines two variables at the same time. For the average person, these two statistical terms are interchangeable. There is, however, a distinction between one-way and two-way ANOVA.

One way ANOVA vs TWO ways ANOVA

ANOVA is also a statistical method for detecting differences in the means of multiple populations. Although ANOVA is a regression technique, the independent variable(s) in ANOVA are qualitative data analysis rather than quantitative. The dependent variable is quantitative in both regression and ANOVA.

The term “ANOVA” refers to analyzing the relationship between two groups: the independent and dependent variables. It’s essentially a mathematical instrument that’s used to evaluate hypotheses based on experimental results. ANOVA can assess the relationship between two variables: eating habits, which is the independent variable, and health status, which is the dependent variable. ANOVA is used in a qualitative business research and analysis context to help manage budgets.

The reason for which one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA are used, as well as their definitions, is what distinguishes them. A one-way ANOVA aims to see if the single dependent variable’s data are similar to the common mean. On the other hand, two-way ANOVA decides if the data for two dependent variables converge on a standard mean generated from two categories.

One-way ANOVA

One-way ANOVA is used. There is only one independent variable with several classes, levels, or categories, normally found to calculate distributed response or dependent variables and compare the means of each category of response or outcome variables.

One-way traffic is an example. ANOVA: Consider two classes of variables: the sample people’s eating habits as the independent variable, with levels such as vegetarian, non-vegetarian, and mix; and the number of times a person became ill in a year as the dependent variable. The means of response variables for each group of N people are calculated and compared.

One-Way ANOVA – Definition

The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a hypothesis test that only considers one categorical variable or single factor. It is a technique that uses the F-distribution to compare the means of three or more samples. It is used to determine the difference between its various types, each with several possible values.

The null hypothesis (H0) is that all population means are equal, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) is that at least one mean differs.

The following assumptions underpin one kind of ANOVA:

  • The population from which the samples are brought has a normal distribution.
  • The dependent variable is measured at the interval or ratio step.
  • An independent variable for two or more categorical independent classes.
  • Samples’ independence
  • • The population’s variation is homogeneous.

Two-way ANOVA

The ANOVA becomes two-way when two independent variables, each with multiple levels, and one dependent variable. The Two-way ANOVA displays each independent variable’s influence on the single response or outcome variables and decides if the independent variables interact. Ronald Fisher (1925) and Frank Yates (1934) popularised two-way ANOVA. Andrew Gelman suggested a different multilevel model approach to ANOVA years later, in 2005. ANOVA is an effective statistical analysis tool that uses Analytical Tools for Qualitative Research more than quantitative.

A two-way ANOVA is created by adding another independent variable, ‘smoking-status,’ to the existing independent variable ‘food-habit,’ as well as such as non-smoker, multiple levels of smoking status, smokers of more than one pack a day, and smokers of one pack a day,  to the one-way ANOVA described above.

Definition of Two-Way ANOVA

As the name implies, a two-way ANOVA is a hypothesis test in which data is classified based on two variables. For example, the firm’s sales can be classified in two ways: first, by sales made by different salespeople, and second, by sales made in different regions. It’s a statistical technique that allows the researcher to compare two independent variables’ levels (conditions), each with several observations.

The effect of the two variables on the continuous dependent variable is investigated using a two-way ANOVA. It also investigates the inter-relationships between independent variables that influence the dependent variable’s values, if any exist.

Two-way ANOVA assumes the following:

  • The population from which the samples are taken has a normal distribution.
  • Continuous measurement of the dependent variable.
  • In two variables, there are two or more categorical discrete categories.
  • The size of categorical discrete classes should be the same.
  • Observational independence
  • Population variation homogeneity

Significant differences found between One-Way and Two-Way ANOVA

The variation between one- way and two-way ANOVA can be drawn on the following grounds:

  • One-way ANOVA is a hypothesis test that uses variance to test the equality of three or more means simultaneously. Two-way ANOVA is a mathematical technique for studying the interrelationship between factors and controlling variables to make better decisions.
  • There is only one factor or independent variable in one-way ANOVA, while in two-way ANOVA, there are two independent variables.
  • A one-way street ANOVA is a statistical test that compares three or more levels (conditions) of a single factor. Two-way ANOVA, on the other hand, contrasts the effects of different levels of two variables.
  • In one-way ANOVA, the number of findings in each category does not have to be the same, while in two-way ANOVA, it must be the same.
  • A one-way street, only two design of experiments concepts, replication and randomisation, must be met by ANOVA. It adheres to all three design principles of replication, randomisation, and local control compared to Two-way ANOVA.

The superiority of two-way ANOVA

ANOVA is a tool that allows organisations to recognise challenges, patterns, threats, and opportunities that affect both short and long-term viability. It uses Market research qualitative data analysis strategies. It is commonly used across businesses and sectors for many purposes.

There are some benefits of two-way ANOVA over one-way ANOVA. The following are the benefits of two-way ANOVA over one-way ANOVA:

There are two sources of variables in a two-way ANOVA, or independent variables, in this case, eating habits and smoking status. Since there are two sources, the error variance is reduced, making the study more accurate.

ii. Two-way ANOVA allows one to evaluate the impact of two variables at once. ( In one-way ANOVA, this is not true.

iii. Factor independence can be checked if each factor combination or cell has more than one observation, and the number of estimations in each cell is the same. In our example, the food-habit factor has three levels, and the smoking-status factor has three levels. As a result, there are 3 x 3 = 9 cell combinations or factor combinations.

One-Way vs Two-Way ANOVA Differences Chart

Definition A comparison test that allows you to compare the means of three or more groups of data. When two independent variables are considered, a test that makes comparisons between three or more data groups is used.
Independent Variables counts Single. Two. 
The key Comparisons The mean of three or more groups of an independent variable over a dependent variable. On a dependent variable, the means of three or more classes of an independent variable.


Two-way ANOVA is often thought of as a more advanced variant of one-way ANOVA. Two-way ANOVA is favoured over one-way ANOVA for a variety of reasons. For example, with two-way ANOVA, one may measure the effects of two variables simultaneously.


  1. Stoline, M. R. (1981). The status of multiple comparisons: simultaneous estimation of all pairwise comparisons in one-way ANOVA designs. The American Statistician35(3), 134-141.
  2. Slinker, B. K. (1998). The statistics of synergism. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology30(4), 723-731.

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