Qualitative Methodologies and Interpretation
If you are a Q-researcher looking for any statistical data analysis services, then this blog has got your covered. In the stance of hiring reputed statistical analysis service online and spending some cash over it, check out this write-up to change your mind. Because you are about to understand a few concepts about how research methodologies using qualitative approaches can give you the ideal statistical service help required. Moreover, the following pointers will be useful in long-run, if you are planning to a PhD in your area of expertise.
Let’s learn about a few basic concepts about research and them move onto the main pictures of it.
A few things to know about what is research along with its features
As you might have guessed, the core of a research study is to provide valid and scientific data, in favour of or rejecting a hypothesis. These results will a real-life application, depending upon its primary or secondary purpose. In simple terms, a research project is conducted based on describing, to explain something for either predict or control any observable measure of behaviour.
There are various types of researches that are studied in fields such as education, medicine, engineering, science, humanities, management, etc. But before knowing the types, you should understand the standard procedure of how research has to be functioned.
The process of research goes by the following steps
- Identification of a research question (the main problem)
- Submission of a research proposal (includes literature reviews, data analysis processes and other subcategories that fall under conduction)
- Conducting an extensive pilot study (the collection of data from online or offline modes)
- Conducting and preparing the main study (researching)
- Giving the completed report to the concerned official or university
This research process framework was from the minds of Gall, Borg, and Gall (1996). They also suggested that these steps might interchange vary, based upon your research study. Now, let’s move onto the types of researches available.

A brief account of various research studies
When it comes to classifying(INNSPUB, 2020)researches, studies can be either done through normal investigation or applied research context. You can name it as ‘basic’ and ‘applied’. The basic or normal research follows a certain guideline and norm for the data collection and interpretation of results. Whereasapplied or revolutionary research forms use either qualitative or quantitative and sometimes both, depending upon the subject and type of research.
- Some of the highlights about qualitative research study are that it is a non-numerical project, based on descriptive measures. The results are direct and conclusive. Decision-making is answered for the queries such as when, what and where.
- Speaking of quantitative research, it is a study focussed primarily with numbers and usage of graphs, pie-charts and tables are prominent. The questions on how and why will get the answers from this form of research.
Now, as we understood both the concepts, we will be particularly dealing with understanding the challenges and processes of the former – qualitative research. Needless to say, there are other forms of research such as cross-sectional, longitudinal, etc., (Hennink et al., 2020). However, the dominant and highly appreciable research form is that of qualitative. Even some of the standard statistical analysis services and research helps groups from online sites prefer assisting students and scholars with qualitative statistics servicesandoptions.
The Big Picture: Qualitative methodologies and Interpretation(Aspers & Corte, 2019)
The core idea of conducting a qualitative research method is to find and interpret a characteristic, feature, quality or behaviour of something. According to the data of Denzin and Lincoln (1998) and Silverman (2013), qualitative research is all about collecting information and relevant data through a ‘multi-method.’ This means that the research will not only focus on interpreting the results as data but also considers and offers statements for every subjective meaning of variables. It can be anything from aptitude and attitude to motivation and intelligence. Ragin (1994:85) has pointed out that the interpretations from a qualitative research method can be both useful as well as worse. It all depends on the flexibility and the context of studying such characteristics.
This is a simple word of warning for you, as the statistical analyses services from agencies can give you results that are positive or negative and whatever it might, your research can be a valid contribution to the society.
Regardless of whether your project is furnished through any statistical analysis services helpor all by yourself, remember to note down the challenges(Aguinis & Solarino, 2019) and other unusual events observed in your entire research methodology.
Significance of reporting any unexpected data or outcomes
While you might be busy with your journal or waiting for the statistical analysis help report, interpreting the expected outcomes, hypotheses, rules, conclusions and more is imperative to any research study. But sometimes, there are cases where researchers report having unusual or expected observations from their research study. It can be as simp le as getting opposite results against your hypotheses or even as big as changing your theoretical framework completely!
Irrespective of the nature of complexity, you have to report every single error or limitation that is observable in your study period. Some of the instances where you willput down thoughts about unexpected events include the following, but not limited to the same:
- Participant (s) dropping offfrom your research
- Unable to achieve a focus group interpretation
- Data accessibility was difficult or you missed out a few consciously
- If participants felt the research was silly and you had to make it interesting
- You avoided absurd or violent contents into your research conduction wontedly
- And more such out-of-the-blue events and research scenario.
As a suggestive paragraph, try to avoid using secondary(Ruggiano & Perry, 2019) data through qualitative research methodology. While you can get qualitative research interpretations from the study, there might arise concerns about your methodology and even at cases ethical issues. Adding to it, restrict yourself from trying interesting and paramount topics of research by combining qualitative data and secondary study interpretations as there is less knowledge about this current state of research integration.
And remember to whichever type of research you pick, follow the guidelines without fail. Best of luck on your research and interpretation journey!
- Aguinis, H. & Solarino, A.M. (2019). Transparency and replicability in qualitative research: The case of interviews with elite informants. Strategic Management Journal. [Online]. p.p. smj.3015. Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/smj.3015.
- Aspers, P. & Corte, U. (2019). What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Sociology. [Online]. 42 (2). p.pp. 139–160. Available from: http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11133-019-9413-7.
- Hennink, M., Hutter, I. & Bailey, A. (2020). Qualitative Research Methods. [Online]. SAGE Publications. Available from: https://books.google.co.in/books?id=_InCDwAAQBAJ.
- INNSPUB (2020). International network for natural sciences – research journal. https://innspub.net/types-of-scientific-research/. [Online]. Available from: https://innspub.net/types-of-scientific-research/.
- Ruggiano, N. & Perry, T.E. (2019). Conducting secondary analysis of qualitative data: Should we, can we, and how? Qualitative Social Work. [Online]. 18 (1). p.pp. 81–97. Available from: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1473325017700701.
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