Why Statswork
Our objective is to provide top-notch techno-driven clinical research services to diverse industry sectors including biotechnology, medical equipment organizations, and pharmaceutical companies. The highly-experienced personnel at Statswork have a penchant to devise, plan and execute large-scale research by taking into consideration even the minutest details with an inherent aptitude and fervent enthusiasm. Clinical research is essential to determine the effects of innovative medical remedies on the select audience, appraise the comparative advantages of alternative therapies and to set up most favorable treatment permutations.
Our offerings
Under clinical research category, we offer a string of superlative services that includes
Pre-Clinical Services: Pre-clinical services that we offer encompasses safety studies and in-vivo efficacy that is targeted at cell based therapies, chemical entities, and proteins.
Phase – I to Phase IV Studies: Being in clinical research has extended us with a rich experience that we deploy in executing global research projects and at the same time having a complex understanding of existing regulatory framework that is aptly harnessed to derive maximum benefits. We undertake extensive studies in all four phases of clinical trials and provide accurate results that determine the precise value of the drug being tested.
Pharmacovigilance: In this area, we undertake research activities to determine preventive measures to counter adverse effects of drugs that are in the process of being developed or other relevant drug-related issues.
Bioanalytical Research: A diverse spectrum of bioanalytical research activities are initiated and executed by us. Our bioanalytical research activities are spurred by a robust infrastructure and technical know-how of our experts.
Tools applied: Design of Experiment, One sample test, Unpaired t test, Paired t test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, Fixed-effect analysis, Random effect analysis, Bland & Altman plots, Kappa statistic, and much more
Safety and efficacy analysis
- Pre-Clinical Studies
- Input-for Protocol
- Observational & Clinical Trial
- Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis
- Epidemiology & Public Health
- Environmental research, Health-risk Analysis, technology assessment, clinical decision making, psychiatric research, and genetic studies
Functional areas served : Marketing analysis, Supply chain analysis, Advertisements, Automobiles, Financial & Accounting and Risk analysis
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