Statswork: Appendix on Involvement Scales Comparison

Appendix To Involvement: Comparing Four Modified Involvement Scales (Mittal 1995)


A comparison of the four consumer involvement scales is made by Mittal (1985) wherein the scales are compared after necessary modifications. Following are the scales that are compared:

  • Personal Involvement Inventory by Zaichkowsky (1985)
  • Consumer Involvement Profiles by Laurent and Kapferer (1985)
  • Foote, Cone, and Belding (FCB) by Ratchford (1987)
  • Purchase decision involvement by Mittal (1989)

A five item PII was devised which revealed internal consistency and unidimensionality as a measure of product involvement and purchase decision involvement. Following are the modified scale comparisons:


Banwari Mittal

Reliability and Validity:

Content validity and Unidimensionality are assessed so as to identify the extent to which hypothetical, unobservable construct of interest corresponds to the purported measure of it. Furthermore, convergent validity and nomological validity.

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