Statswork: Appendix on Money Attitude Scale (MAS)

Appendix to Materialism and Possessions / Objects: Money Attitude Scale: MAS (Yamauchi and Templer 1982)


The psychological aspects of money are felt to encompass three broad content areas according to Yamauchi and Templer namely; security, retention, and power-prestige.


There are three components to MAS:-

  • Security
  • Retention
  • Power-prestige


The MAS comprises 29 Likert-type statements utilizing always and never as endpoints (7-point items). Though originally designed to assess the three broad content areas described above, the MAS is considered a four-dimensional scale where scores on items within each dimension are summed to form indices of each dimension. An overall MAS score can also be derived by summing responses to all 29 items.


Internal consistency estimates of the four factors composing the final scale were .80, .78, .73, and .69 for the power-prestige, retention-time, distrust, and anxiety factors, respectively. Corresponding test-retest reliability estimates for a subsample of 31 (from the original 300) were .88, .95, .87, and .88. To examine the validity of the scale, the MAS, along with a number of other scales, was administered to a student sample of 125. The four factors of the MAS were found to be correlated with measures of Machiavellianism (.13 to .44), status concern (.23 to .48), time competence (-.04 to -.33), obsessional personality (.04 to .40), and anxiety (-.12 to .55), all in the predicted directions. Thus, evidence for the nomological validity of the MAS was found.


Yamauchi, Kent T, and Donald I. Templer. (1982). "The Development of a Money Attitude Scale." Journal of Personality Assessment, 46, 522-528. Scale items taken from Tables 1-5 (pp. 523-525).

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