Change Seeking Index: CSI short form - Statswork

Change seeking Index : CSI short form (Steenkamp and Baumgartner)

The CHANGE SEEKING INDEX developed by Steenkamp and Baumgartner 1994 is a multidimensional measure using a 5-point Likert scale items ranging from 1 Strongly Disagree to 5 Strongly Agree. The seven components are:

  • I like to continue doing the same old things rather than trying new and different things.
  • I like to experience novelty and change in my daily routine.
  • I like a job that offers change, variety, and travel, even if it involves some danger.
  • I am continually seeking new ideas and experiences.
  • I like continually changing activities.
  • When things get boring, I like to find some new and unfamiliar experience.
  • I prefer a routine way of life to an unpredictable one full of change

CSI of Steenkamp and Baumgartner is composed of seven items scored on 5-point scales ranging from +2 to -2 with endpoints of completely true and completely false. It seems that item scores can be summed to form an overall CSI composite score.


Steenkamp and Baumgartner 1994)

Reliability and Validity

Coefficient alpha estimates of internal consistency ranged from .82 to .92 across the samples, and alpha for the scale where data was pooled over all samples was .84. Factor loadings from the pooled data ranged from .571 to .733.

Numerous correlational estimates of nomological validity were offered. For example, the seven-item CSI showed correlations of .775, .505, .406, and -.045 (ns) with measures of arousal seeking tendency, need for cognition, trait curiosity, and social desirability bias, respectively (across the larger samples).

The seven-item CSI also had correlations of .480, .355, and .452 with measures of risk taking, variety seeking, and exploratory purchase behavior, respectively.

Obtaining the CSI

International Journal of Research in Marketing, 12, 97-104.

The author states the following, in reference to using the CSI:

The CSI has been used as a measure of optimum stimulation level (OSL). In their research, Steenkamp and Baumgartner (1994) offer a 7-item reduced form of the CSI as a measure of OSL.

Administration, Analysis and Reporting

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