Country Image Scale - statswork

Country Image Scale


The components of the country image scale were developed by (Martin and Eroglu 1993). The scale involves two steps, the first with a questionnaire survey and the second with a focus group discussion session. Datasets will be pooled to get bipolar word pairs. The Holsti procedure (1969) was used to determine an average interjudge agreement and reliability.

The four dimensions of the construct's domain are

  • Political
  • Economic
  • Technological
  • Social desirability (includes such factors as quality of life, standard of living, and level of urbanization)

The semantic differential scale format was selected to measure country image in this study and the theoretical rationale for this has been detailed by Osgood et al. (1957) and Churchill (1979). Using this scale the researcher can assess, measure and compare the image of an object or concept with that of similar topics (AIreck and Settle, 1985). Moreover, the semantic differential has a great acceptance and relevance in marketing research that is unparalleled by any other scaling procedure (Malhotra, 1981).


(Martin. M. I. and Eroglu. S. 1993)

Reliability and Validity

Average interjudge agreement is 0.848 and reliability is 0.965. Reliability coefficient alphas ranged from .77 to .81

Obtaining the CATH

University of Southern California and Georgia State University

Administration, Analysis and Reporting

Statswork composed of a team of professional statisticians which can obliged the professional or student researcher in support to fill the survey instrument, gathering the information, organising the analysis and describing the results.

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