The CEP is a five-item scale that is summed and then divided by five to form an overall index of corporate ethics. All items are scored on 7-point strongly disagree strongly agree scales. Thus, scores on the scale can range from I to 7. The scale is considered one-dimensional.
Hunt,Wood , and Chonko
Reliability and Validity
Coefficient alpha for the scale was .78, and factor analysis revealed a unidimensional structure. Furthermore, the CEP was found to be a significant predictor of organizational commitment (i.e., numerous regression coefficients are offered on p. 86), providing evidence of criterion validity for the scale. For example, beta coefficients for the scale ranged from .17 to .58 across four subsamples of the data.
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Stats work composed of a team of professional statisticians which can obliged the professional or student researcher in support to fill the survey instrument, gathering the information, organising the analysis and describing the results.
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Statswork composed of a team of professional statisticians which can obliged the professional or student researcher in support to fill the survey instrument, gathering the information, organising the analysis and describing the results.
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Hunt. Shelby D.. Van R. Wood, and Lawrence B. Chonko. (1989). "Corporate Ethical Values and Organizational Commitment in Marketing." Journal of Marketing, 53, 79-90. 1989 by the American Marketing Association. Scale items taken from Tables 6 and 7 (p. 317). Reprinted with permission.