Exploratory Buying Behavior: EBBT - Statswork

Exploratory Buying Behavior Tendencies: EBBT (Baumgartner and Steenkamp 1996)

The EXPLORATORY BUYING BEHAVIOR TENDENCIES: EBBT developed by Baumgartner and Steenkamp 1996 is a multidimensional measure using a 5-point Likert scale items ranging from 1 Strongly Disagree to 5 Strongly Agree. The two components are:

  • the exploratory acquisition of products dimension
  • the exploratory information seeking dimension (EIS)
  • All two components contain items specific to EBBT.


Baumgartner and Steenkamp 1996

Reliability and Validity

. A correlation of .30 was found between EAP and EIS in the n = 288 sample, and this correlation showed evidence of discriminant validity between these two dimensions.

Structural equation modeling using the summed EAP and EIS composites as dependent variables showed significant relationships with related constructs. For example, standardized parameter estimates between measures of optimum stimulation level, sensation seeking, and cognitive stimulation and EAP ranged from .43 to .45 (p < .01).

Standardized parameter estimates between optimum stimulation level, sensation seeking, and cognitive stimulation and EIS ranged from .24 to .25 (p < .01). (Estimates of .35 and .22 were found between EAP and EIS in these models.)

Obtaining the CSI

International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13, 121-137.

The author states the following, in reference to using the CATH:

Exploratory buying behavior tendency (EBBT) is viewed as an individual difference variable of people's disposition to engage in two forms of exploratory buying behavior: (a) exploratory acquisition of products (EAP) and (b) exploratory information seeking (EIS). EAP reflects the tendency to seek sensory stimulation in product purchase through risky and innovative product choices, and varied and changing purchase and consumption experiences. High EAP individuals enjoy unfamiliar and innovative products and seek variety in their purchases. EIS reflects a tendency to obtain cognitive stimulation through the acquisition of consumption-relevant knowledge out of curiosity. High EIS individuals like to go browsing and window shopping, and they are interested in talking with other consumers about their consumption experiences (Baumgartner and Steenkamp 1996, pp. 124-125).

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