McQuarrie and Munson (1986) claim that involvement is a multidimensional construct. They also feel that the PII was contaminated with "attitudinal" variables, and thus, some interpretational confounding was evident. Their conceptual view of involvement is somewhat similar to Zaichkowsky's but tries to incorporate risk and sign components into the involvement construct. The RPII is a multidimensional measure of involvement that includes the dimensions of importance, pleasure, and risk. It is composed of 14 semantic differential items, many of which are derived from Zaichkowsky's original PII. The items are scored on 7-point scales. Items can be summed within dimensions to form indices for each dimension, or all 14 items can be summed to form an overall RPII score. The OPII is another involvement measure derived from Zaichkowsky's PII. It is composed of 16 items and may or may not be unidimensional (cf. McQuarrie and Munson 1986, p. 37). The 16 items can be summed to form an overall OPII score.
McQuarrie, Edward F., and J. Michael Munson
Reliability and Validity:
coefficient alpha, factor analysis, correlation patterns
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