The Self-Actualisation-Consumer-Self-Actualisation Test: CSAT scale developed by Brooker (1975) contains 20 items of the A vs. B variety. Each item receiving a self-actualizing response receives a score of 1 and is scored 0 otherwise. Scores are then summed to form an overall index which can range from 0 to 20. This measure attempts to assess consumer self-actualization. The scale had 16 characteristics such as simplicity, problem-centering, detached, mean end relationship, discrimination between means and ends; democratic; philosophical sense of humor; resolution of dichotomies; peak experiences; feeling for mankind; resistance to enculturation; creativeness; comfortable perceptions with reality, spontaneity and simplicity, naturalness, accepting of self and others, freshness of appreciation, Resistance to Enculturation)
George Brooker
Reliability and Validity
Item-to-total correlations ranged from .12 to .40.
Obtaining the CSAT
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The author expressed their perception in following, with regards to CSAT scale. Researchers may utilise the scale of Preference for Self-Actualisation-Consumer-Self-Actualisation Test: CSAT (Brooker 1975) in any proper published source.
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Statswork composed of a team of professional statisticians which can obliged the professional or student researcher in support to fill the survey instrument, gathering the information, organising the analysis and describing the results.
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