The Self-Concept Clarity: SCC scale developed by Campbell et al. (1996) is a unidimensional measure using a 5-point Likert scale items ranging from 1 Strongly Disagree to 5 Strongly Agree and the range of scale from 12 to 60. The components are:
- Self-esteem
- Big five measures
These components contain items specific to examine dimensionality, reliability, and validity.
The authors state
" Self-concept clarity (SCC) is defined as the "extent to which the contents of an individual's self-concept (e.g., perceived personal attributes) are clearly and confidently defined, internally consistent, and temporally stable".
Campbell, J. D., Trapnell, P. D., Heine, S. J., Katz, I. M., Lavallee, L. F., & Lehman, D. R.
Reliability and Validity
- Coefficient alpha of internal consistency for Study 1: 0.86, 0.86, 0.85
- Overall internal consistency: 0.10 to 0.58.
- Item to total correlations: 0.35 to 0.66.
Obtaining the SCC
University of Florida
The author expressed their perception in following, with regards to SCC scale. Researchers may utilise the scale of Self-Concept Clarity: SCC (Campbell et al. 1996) in any proper published source.
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Statswork composed of a team of professional statisticians which can obliged the professional or student researcher in support to fill the survey instrument, gathering the information, organising the analysis and describing the results.