The scale of Need for Cognition: NFC postulated by Cacioppo and Petty (1982) is a multidimensional measure using a 9-point Likert scale.
- Inner-directed
- other-directed
The authors state
"Inner directed persons reflect the individual’s inner values and guidance standards for their behaviour, whereas other-directed persons rely on the people surrounds them to provide a proper direction to their activities"
Kassarjian, Waltraud M.
Reliability and Validity
- Item-to-total correlations ranged from .32 to .94.
- Correlations between the I-O scale and an index of behaviors (e.g., hobbies, social activity of individuals) ranged from .55 to .69 across various combinations.
Obtaining the SPS
Florida State University
The author expressed their view as follows with regards to SPS scale. Researchers who wish to use the Inner -other directedness: Social Preference Scale (SPS) (I-O scale) (Kassarjian, 1962) may be taken with proper published source.
Administration, Analysis and Reporting
Statswork composed of a team of professional statisticians which can obliged the professional or student researcher in support to fill the survey instrument, gathering the information, organising the analysis and describing the results.
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