Qualitative Data Analysis Services: Textual Analysis

Qualitative Data Analysis

Our team at Statswork have an exhaustive experience in analyzing a wide range of qualitative textual data. We served for more than twenty-five countries both developed and developing including the United States of America, Australia, across the European Union, United Arab Emirates and other countries as well

StatsWork Analyses Your Textual Data

The qualitative data analyst at Statswork would enable to choose many interesting alternative analytic approaches based on researcher’s preferences and experience. The different possibilities of research approaches are grounded theory, case-oriented understanding, conversation analysis (how reality is constructed through detailed analysis of conversational interaction), narrative analysis (“the story itself”), qualitative comparative analysis, ethnomethodology (way participants constructs the social world), ethnography (study of a culture), netnography (to study online communities), grounded theory (theory development)

Qualitative Data Analysis – From Data collection, transcription, coding, interpretation & report writing

Interview transcripts, field notes, video, audio recordings, Images, documents (reports, meeting minutes, emails)

The Data analysis is an important step as it offers an accurate information on the proposed research objective. Qualitative data analysis is a reflexive, and iterative process that begins as data are being collected rather than after data collection has stopped (Stake, 1995). There is no ‘quick fix” technique in the qualitative analysis as like software packages such as the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Rather it needs an interpretative and subjective exercise. Our qualitative data analysts would assist you in applying certain theoretical approaches to deciding which process that should be used.

This research focused on text rather than on numbers, which is the most important feature of qualitative analysis. Qualitative research method aims to uncover the big picture from the text being collected in the form of transcripts or pictures or other images or notes from participant’s observation sessions. The analysis would shed light on what participants “really” thought, felt or a hermeneutic perspective on texts that can never be judged true or false. But a researcher is constructing a “reality” with her or his interpretations of a text. Our Team at ‘stats work’ has wider knowledge in handling interviews, focus groups, observation and documentary analysis.

Experts in Handling Nvivo, Deboose, SPSS, SAS code, R, STATA, MINITAB

Everything We do – Whether you need to collect data from general consumers, or CEOs, VPs, Managers or working population or diseased population, students, NGOs and any other industry? We assist in conducting online surveys, direct interview, skype interview, observation, conduct focus group and any other specific methodology that required will be carried out by our methodology and statistics experts team

The expertise team at Statswork, are the best team of statistical professionals in the industry comprised of doctorates and post doctorates in statistical data analysis with industrial exposure for more than 15 years. Our researchers at Statswork handle each work with the core and critical research knowledge and can assist the researchers and students to achieve their results. We offer cost-effective services to you and at the same time, only the quality output is provided to make sure you are getting the best of our services.

Textual Data Analysis

Everything We do – Whether you have raw data, data collected via any online survey tool, or collected questionnaire with no data entered, we provide end to end service for all your data related queries. We collate the existing data, create the data analysis plan, provide statistical analysis and generate appropriate and customized output. We also transcribe your qualitative data and provide you the output.

Qualitative Textual Data Analysis Service Features at StatsWork

Our Statistics Experts are from the USA & UK. We deliver the work with stringent quality control

Qualitative data analysis: Our Service Features

Research design & Analysis
  • Grounded Theory
  • Typology
  • Taxonomy
  • Induction
  • Matrix/Logical Analysis
  • Event (Frame) Analysis
  • Metaphorical Analysis
  • Domain Analysis
How do we do?
  • Data familiarization through listening, reading and reviewing
  • Tape recorded materials will be transcribed
  • For easy retrieval and identification, data will be organized and indexed
  • Sensitive data will be anonymised
  • Indexing or coding
  • Themes identification.'
  • Re-coding process
  • Provisional categories development
  • Exploration of association between categories
  • Themes and categories refinement

Our data analysts use (not limited or order may vary) following techniques to analyze qualitative data The qualitative analysis can also be done using a computer, which referred as ‘Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis.' These tools make the work easier and simpler to experiment with different codes and to test different hypotheses about the relationship. There are different programs available such as ATLAT.ti (A free version of HyperRESEARCH), QSR Nvivo, Deboose, and HyperRESEARCH

  • Discourse Analysis
  • Semiotics
  • Content Analysis
  • Phenomenology/Heuristic
  • Narratology

Before committing the project, we will be asking for the following information such as

  • Objective of the study
  • Target population
  • Target geographical area
  • Rarity of the Sample studied
  • Specific parameters (which may vary according to the study)

Qualitative Data Analysis Services at Statswork

We ensure to deliver what we promise

Only the Best Qualified Statistical Experts, Mathematicians and Engineers

StatsWork team comprised of doctorate and Master’s Degree in statistics and biostatistics. The team is led by researchers from Harvard & Alabama. Our research expertise has rich experience and has sound statistical knowledge including interpretation of statistical reports. Quality is the magic word that drives us. Be it any situation. There are times when we don’t have adequate resources, but it does not have any effect on the quality of work. We offer fast, reasonable and above all dependable. We have a goodwill of our students. That is because we always provide them with authentic and high-quality statistical Services. We provide quality writing services on any subject and offer instant support through direct contact. Thousands of students have benefited from our services, and a lot more are looking forward to establishing a lasting relationship with us.

SPSS / SAS / R / Minitab / STATA Experts 24/7 Support and 365 days

Statswork professional statisticians provide full assistance in you qualitative and qualitative analysis. Our statisticians can assist you to select the best research design for your context. We have a team of statistics and Engineering Experts who can handle both proprietary and open source platforms. We have previously handled, Epi Info, SAS, Dataplot, MacAnova, StatCato, SCaVis, SOFA, MaxStat, STATA, Minitab, Analytica, Statwing, STEM, AlterWind Log Analyzer, CoPlot, ChemStat, Decision Science, Forcast Pro, MATLAB, MedCalc, Magnum Opus, PASS, PolyAnalyst, SigmaPlot, TurboStats, and Tanagra. Our team is trained in a number of areas including sampling, sample size calculation, data processing, and data preparation and planning for statistical development. Our statisticians can help you in data coding to produce results with accuracy.

Confidentiality and Security & 24/7 support

We never divulge the identity of our clients to any third party without their approval. We maintain a database where each order is saved after completion. Neither your teachers nor your friends and classmates will ever get a hint about us. In fact, the way we write your dissertation, it is not possible to guess that a professional writing service has added its touch to it. At Statswork you will always get 100% non-plagiarized (checked against the best anti-plagiarism software). Our statistical approaches have been accepted across global markets, and our experienced professionals can assist to obtain cutting edge outputs for your requirements. To meet our global client requirement, our statistical services offered 24/7 x 365 days’ email support. All new queries are addressed at info@statswork.com while existing projects are handled at projects@statswork.com, and complaints and issues are handled at support@statswork.com

Formatting of Tables & Figures according to the Style – NO Copy Pasting of Software Output

We never copy paste the output rather we create our unique tables according to the journal specification. If in case if you have any specific instructions on pasting the software output, we follow your instructions strictly. Secondly, we offer unlimited revisions for the statistical work being committed at an initial stage. We ensure to address feedback or comments given by professor or tutor. Our revision support adheres the guidelines by the professor / supervisor and understands things from the his/her point of view. Finally, services had been recognized by a wide range of universities across the globe, especially in the UK and the US universities. Therefore, you’re assured for the guaranteed quality output and presentation. We ensure that you are entirely assured and satisfied to present your research findings and statistics.

What our customer says about Statswork

  • Analyst at statswork provides a sentimental analysis service which extremely helpful in understanding and monitoring public opinion. Their team worked seamlessly well, and I am much satisfied with their work. -Heidi
  • Hasana
    Statswork expertise in text data analytics service, their deep text analytics service using NLP are exclusive in training machine learning algorithms and modules. They are not just a technology supplier, a true partner that provides support in times of uncertainty and ambiguity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Services do you provide under Qualitative Data Analysis?
We provide Qualitative Data Analysis services include content analysis, grounding theory, domain analysis, discourse analysis, induction, taxonomy and more.
Do you provide a sample work of Qualitative Data Analysis?
Yes, we offer you Qualitative Data Analysis sample work that helps to understand our quality of work.
I had completed my 50% of work. Would you assist in completing the rest?
Yes, we can able to finish the rest. However, you need to share complete work, in order to assess the volume of work
Am I not aware of statistical tools to be applied in my research? Would your experts help me to complete?
Yes, we help you to identify right tool based on your hypothesis and research design.
Would you provide tutoring service for the analysis that you had carried out?
Yes, on special request, we offer online tutoring services.
Do you offer unlimited revisions?
We do offer unlimited revisions for the work being committed.

Directories & Resources

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