Solution for the data - statswork

Q and A type interpretation


Problem 1

Suppose you wish to test 2 drugs. Your experimental design consists of first dividing sixteen dogs into four groups and randomly assigning each drug to 2 of those groups. Dogs in each subgroup receive either morphine or trimethaphan (variable Drug) and have either depleted or intact histamine levels (variable Depleted) before receiving the drugs. The dependent variable is the blood concentration of histamine at 0, 1, 3, and 5 minutes after injection of the drug.

Plot these data in a meaningful way and comment.

Carry out an appropriate analysis to examine whether there is a difference between the effects of the different drugs, stating clearly your hypotheses, conclusions and any assumptions made.

Problem 2

Data are obtained from a larger experiment on the use of drugs in the treatment of leprosy. Variables in the study are:

  • Drug – two antibiotics (A and D) and a control (F)
  • PreTreatment – a pre-treatment score of leprosy bacilli
  • PostTreatment - a post-treatment score of leprosy bacilli

Carry out an appropriate analysis to examine whether there is a difference between the effects of the different drugs, stating clearly your hypotheses, conclusions and any assumptions made.

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