
Brief about the Statistical Application in Cell and Developmental Biology with an example

Cell: Cell is a structural unit of life, it is a fundamental unit of living, it is typically microscopic. They are often called building blocks of life. Study of cell is called as cytology or cellular biology. Robert Hook discovered cell in 1665, which is described in his book “Micrographia”. There are two types of cells: Prokaryotic cells and Eukaryotic cells.

A statistical application in genetics and Molecular Biology is widely developing as researchers are trying to apply statistical ideas to the problem of computational biology. Statistics in biology is mainly used to test the hypotheses; meanwhile other sophisticated tests are used to understand and set up experiments and interpret results. Biology and statistics have been interconnected for a long time. When biology focuses on living organisms, statistical analysis provides crucial insight into many biological processes. An important part of any biological experiment involves choosing a appropriate sample size and selecting correct trial. Larger sample size is always preferred in statistic but in clinical trials we cannot collect larger sample size. Larger samples will always reduce the type one error. At end of every study researches would like to prove their hypothesis as true and conclusion is statistically significant. If data is highly surrounded or clustered around mean, then mean will be the best indicator, if data is highly spread out then we can consider median as best indicator as median is not affected by outliers. After the experiment we need to interpret the result well, which need expert advice. Statistical software like SAS, SPSS, R can help in giving appropriate best results.

Seven Steps that must be followed:

  1. Experimentalists ordinarily make estimations to gauge a property or “parameter” of a population from which the information was drawn, such as a cruel, rate, extent or relationship. one ought to be mindful that the real parameter contains a settled, unknown value in the population. Take illustration of a population of cells, each separating at their claim rate. At a given point in time, the population incorporates a genuine cruel and change of the cell division rate. Not one or the other of these parameters is comprehensible. When one measures the rate in a sample of cells from this population, the sample mean and analysis of variance are estimates of the true population mean and variance. Accurate methods can always help us identify bias methods. Second sample may not be representative of the population. Estimates tend to be closer to the true values if more samples are measured and if they vary as experiment is repeated. By accounting the variability in the sample mean and variance, one can test a hypothesis about the true mean in the population or estimate its confidence interval(A’Brook & Weyers, 1996).

The real challenge is to understand experiment well enough to randomize treatments

Effectively across potential confounding factor. Biological replicates are used for parameters

Estimate and statistical analysis as they let one describe deviation in population. Technical replicates mean longitudinal data are used to improve estimation of measurement for each

biological replicate. Treating biological replicates are called pseudo replication and often

Produce low estimates of variance and test results with errors. The difference between

technical and biological replicate depends on how one defines the population of interest.

Cellular and molecular biologists can utilize statistics effectively when analysing and presenting their data, all the above steps should be followed properly, this will avoid common mistakes.

  1. A’Brook, R. & Weyers, J.D.B. (1996). Teaching of statistics to UK undergraduate biology students in 1995. Journal of Biological Education. [Online]. 30 (4). pp. 281–288. Available from:
  2. Blackboard (2020). Scaling to Meet the Needs of a Changing Environment. [Online]. 2020. Available from: [Accessed: 23 March 2020].
  3. Ditty, J.L., Kvaal, C.A., Goodner, B., Freyermuth, S.K., Bailey, C., Britton, R.A., Gordon, S.G., Heinhorst, S., Reed, K. & Xu, Z. (2010). Incorporating genomics and bioinformatics across the life sciences curriculum. PLoS biology. [Online]. 8 (8). Available from:

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