What Is Mixed Method Research And Explain The Fundamental Issues Of Design, Validity, And Reliability?

In recent trends mixed methodology research is carried out on qualitative and quantitative accepts by collecting data, analyzing, interpreting and inferences. The key concepts in this mixed methodology research is simultaneously study about the measurable units (quantitative) and attributes (qualitative) variables. By using the this mixed methodology we can draw a valid conclusions based on the quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Therefore the study or research becomes more reliable.

The research data  can be get in four ways 1. Collection 2. Observational 3. Experimental  4. Simulation. Most of the researchers thinking that qualitative methodology and quantitative research methodology are argued in different manner. Mixed methods conveys more informative and effective. When the research is extended from cost to other qualitative components then it will be difficult to analyze the facts and hence, results may not be accurate and exact. Mixed method approach is fundamentally difficult task it requires professional in that area. For any research information is the main content to get the accurate results. This information can be collected through primary or secondary data. Primary data gets through direct questionnaire or interview methods where as secondary data gets from different sources like companies, survey agencies, local bodies or agencies, non- government  and government organizations. 

To design mixed methods, researcher must know the clear cut of their objects, carefully design each dimension of the study and more particular about the validity of the study. In mixed method study engage data collection or analysis of both numerical and / or qualitative data can be used in at a time in the study for this data are collected concomitantly or serially based on the objective.  In concomitant data both data are collected at a time, where as in sequential approach variables and attributes data collection follow one another. Quantitative analysis type research are more evaluate the effect of development and also created strong response from the other sectors. In quantitative method data are available in the form of numerical measurement which can more accurate and reliable for descriptive purposes. Qualitative methods information is gather from interview, dairies, journals or through observation. Qualitative  research depends, particularly for its validity, on the skills, training, insights and capabilities of the researcher at every stage. This mixed method is a combination of one at least one numerical measurement and one attribute (qualitative).

In practice the researcher should care about validity and reliability for data before and after collection.  Priority is given by the researcher which character is more influencing the study. Suppose some areas  little evidences are available pertaining to the facts then qualitative methods are suitable to describe the nature and scope of the attributes. Conversely explanatory research qualitative method is used through quantitative surveys or experiments. Then importance is given to quantitative methods.

The next question arises that how these quantitative and qualitative data can be arranged. Its depends upon the nature of study key factors that influencing out comes. This kind of studies found in biological and medical experiments. Another most important feature of mixed methods is meaningful integration. Mixing of both approaches occur at various stages of research process. The researcher should have the very good knowledge about the various components and how they  get different answers to the arranges questionnaire from the entire research purpose.  Then he can make decision about the integration happened and in what way he linked to the questions regarding the connected contributions. Mixing methods may occur at any point of data collection like company surveys, primary data collection services, secondary data collection services. Next on during data analysis like cross-tabulation of  survey variables are linked to the interview codes, interpretation, results obtained with various methods. For handling the such type of data many software has been developed, which helps a lot to the statistician through import and export qualitative data analysis.

Every process has its inherent strengths and weakness. In mixed methods theoretically as practically more reliable. Greater  involvement for groups and multi disciplines in the research process, it gives potential and external validity of the research. It enhance the linkages or path from modeling through confirmatory trial research. When comes to its weakness this kind of  methods research is expensive and time consuming. It requires experts with this applications.  In economic point of view single method approach is consider but, mixed methods are more validity and reliability. Validity represents the variability score and this a judgment based on different facts and evidences. Reliability is consistency across time, products and researcher. The concept of reliability and validity are used to assess the research quality. A well designed research brings more accurate and exact outcomes.

Mixed method designs are new development in present research activities. By introducing these integrated approaches researchers may have the accommodating to fill in gaps in the accessible information, to use triangulation to build up the power of estimates, and to provide different perspectives on complex, multi-dimensional phenomena. A well planed mixed methods can use the available time and resources to maximize the accuracy and authenticity.

Many companies having the information in qualitative and quantitative way. They required summary or descriptive analysis as well as informative. Most of the case studies involved challenges and findings for their lives. So, they are interested in  mixed methods. Many data collection services ,companies and online services are maintaining data for analysis. They are developed according to research goals and requirement of biological experiments.

Finally these mixed methodologies can be strengthen research evaluations with the following some of the key issues like reconstructing the baselines, a very strong knowledge on variable and attributes, find the missing variables from the secondary data, recognize the range of impact evaluations plan options, rapid and data collection methods. While reducing the cost, time  and week evaluation designs increases possible severity of risk to validity. Therefore keep in mind while designing the mixed methods to strengthen research evaluations. A valid and reliable out comes are obtained through well designed mixed methods. For excellent and suitable decisions its advised to use updated methods for data collection. More polished and suitable in the new combinations of  research related strategies are developed in collect data through experts.


  1. Abowitz, D. A., & Toole, T. M. (2010). Mixed Method Research: Fundamental Issues of Design, Validity, and Reliability in Construction Research. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(1), 108–116.
  2. Kroll, T., & Morris, J. (2009). Challenges and Opportunities in Using Mixed Method Designs in Rehabilitation Research. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90(11), S11–S16.

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