survey instruments - statswork

Survey Instruments


During the past twenty years, time and time once more, our consultants found themselves walking researchers through the method of looking for and choosing a survey instrument to gather knowledge for analysis.


d considering the survey instrument hand-picked can ultimately take a look at the researcher's hypotheses by making helpful knowledge for applied mathematics analysis, obtaining the instrument right is of the utmost importance.

Still, our team has developed a directory of survey instruments that we often use. every survey instrument's page includes an outline, references, and a link to buy the instrument directly from the author. Individual authorization from the author is needed so as to administer any of the surveys listed on top of. To administer these surveys, it's the only responsibility of the scientist to get any authorizations.

Inner -other directedness: Social Preference Scale (SPS) (I-O scale) >>

Interpersonal Orientation: CAD Scale (Cohen 1967) >>

Need for Cognition: NFC (Cacioppo and Petty 1982) >>

Need for Emotion: NFE (Raman, Chattopadhyay and Hoyer 1995) >>

Need to Evaluate: NES (Jarvis and Petty 1996) >>

Need to precision: NFP (Viswanathan 1997) >>

Preference for Consistency: PFC (Cialdini, Trost, and Newsom 1995) >>

Preference for Numerical information: PNI (Viswanathan 1993) >>

Rational-Experiential inventory: REI (Epstein, Paccini, Denes-Raj and Heier) >>

Romanticism-classicism: RC index (Holbrook and Olney) >>

Self-Actualisation-Consumer-Self-Actualisation Test: CSAT (Brooker 1975) >>

Self-Concept Clarity: SCC (Campbell et al. 1996) >>

Self-Concepts, Person Concepts, and Product Concepts (Malhotra 1981) >>

Self-schema Separateness- Connectedness: SC (Wang and Mowen 1997) >>

The Sexual Identity Scale (SIS) (Stern, Barak and Gould 1987) >>

Vanity: Trait aspects of Vanity (Netemeyer, Burton and Lichtenstein 1995) >>

Cognitive and Sensory Innovativeness >>

Domain-Specific Innovativeness: Dsi >>

Innovativeness’: Consumer Innovattveness >>

Innovativeness: Openness Of Information Processing >>

Innovativeness Factors: Factor Analysis Of Leavitt And Walton's Items >>

Innovativeness: Use Innovativeness >>

Uniqueness: Desire For Unique Consumer Products: Ducp >>

Expertise: Consumer Expertise>>

Fashion Leadership>>

Market Maven: Propensity To Provide Marketplace And Shopping Information>>

Ethical Behavior in Research Organizations (Ferrell and Skinner)>>

Ethics improving evaluations of business ethics reidenbach and robin>>

Ethics Corporate Ethics Scale cep hunt wood and chonko>>

Ethics Marketing NormsEthics Scale Vitell Rallapalli And Singhapakdi1993 >>

Unethical Behavior Buyers Perceptions of Unethical Sales Behavior Lagace Ingram and Boorom 1994 >>

Conservatism Management Conservatism>>

Excellence in Business Excel Sharma Netemeyer and mahajan 1990>>

Market Orientation Narver and slater-1990>>

Market Orientation Markor Kohli Jaworski and kumar-1993>>

Marketing Research Use of Market Research User Menon and wilcox 1994>>

Market Orientation Summary Scale Deshpande and farley 1996/>>

Marketing Research Trust and Use of Market Research Moorman Zaltman and Deshpande 1992>>

Country Image Scale>>

Country Image Orgin Scale>>

Hispanicness an Index to Measure Hispanicness>>

Adaptive Selling Adapts>>

Automobile involvement: IPCA (Bloch 1981)>>

Fashion Involvement Index: FII; Fashion Involvement Factor: FIF (Tigert, Ring and King 1976)>>

Components of Involvement: CP (Lastovicka and Gardner 1979) Introduction>>

Consumer Involvement Profiles>>

Enduring Involvement Index (Bloch, Schrell, and Ridgway 1986)>>

Foote, Cone, And Belding Involvement Subscale: Fcbi (Ratchford 1987; Vaughn 1986)>>

General Scale To Measure Involvement With Products: Gsmi (Traylor And Joseph 1984)>>

New Involvement Profile: Nip (Jain and Srinivasan 1990)>>

Personal Involvement Inventory: Pii (Zaichkowsky 1985)>>

Enduring Involvement Scale: Eis (Higie and Feick 1988)>>

Pii For Advertising: Piia (Zaichkowsky 1990)>>

Rpii And Opii (McQuarrie and Munson 1986)>>

Revised Rpii: Rrpii (McQuarrie and Munson 1991)>>

Purchase Decision Involvement: PDI (Mittal 1989)>>

Purchasing Involvement: PI (Slama and Tashchian 1985)>>

Appendix To Involvement: Comparing Four Modified Involvement Scales (Mittal 1995)>>

Emotional Profile—Standardized Emotional Profile: SEP (Holbrook and Batra 1987b)>>

Emotional Quotient Scale (Eq) And Reaction Profile>>

Feelings Toward Ads>>

Informational And Transformational Ad Content>>

Judgment Of Ads-Viewer Judgment Of Ads: The Persuasive Disclosure Inventory (Pdi)>>

Judgment Of Ads-Viewer Judgment Of Ads: The Persuasive Disclosure Inventory (Pdi) (Feltham 1994)>>

Reaction Profile: Leavitt's Reaction Profile>>

Materialism Measure (Richins 1987)>>

Materialism – Post Materialism Scale (Inglehart 1981)>>

Materialism Scales (Belk 1984, 1985)>>

Nostalgia Scale (Holbrook 1993)>>

Objects Incorporated into the ‘Extended Self’ Scale (Sivadas and Machleit 1994)>>

Possessions: Attachment to Possessions (Ball and Tasaki 1992)>>

Possession Satisfaction Index: PSI (Scott and Lundstrom 1990)>>

Appendix to Materialism and Possessions>>

Subjective Discretionary Income Scale: SDI (O’Guinn and Wells 1989)>>

Alienation: Consumer Alienation from the marketplace (Allison 1978)>>

Scales Related to Information Processing>>

Change seeking Index : CSI short form (Steenkamp and Baumgartner) >>

Exploratory Buying Behavior Tendencies: EBBT (Baumgartner and Steenkamp 1996) >>

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