Introduction to Business Analytics and Operational Research solution methods, including decision analysis, linear programming, inventory control, simulation and Markov chains

Present scenario, there is a growing demand in the field of Business data analytics. With the development of skillsandtechnologies,a large data set is with in hand, it is essentialto use the analytics and operational research methodto solve many business problems. There is always a questions arises how analytics related to operations research? Analytics are apply to detect three kinds of questions which are classified into 1) completed tasks in the past 2) what should consider to happen 3) what will going to happen in future in the business. These are framed in term of statistics like Descriptive, Prescriptive and Predictive analysis. The main intention of business analytics is to indentify which data is useful and how it can act to solve complex problems and improve the profit, productivity and efficiency. Decision making is required in each and every point of time in fact we are all moving with the word ‘hope for the best’. In the business field it is most important, decision making includes Predictive analysis services, linear programming, inventory control, simulation and Markov chains etc., problem solving techniques and methods of Operational Research (OR) are widely used in decision making of business analytics. The first step of OR is that defining the problem in clear cut way. Then models are used to get solution either by simulation or by mathematical analysis, next istesting the model, establishing the controls over solution and finally implement the solution. For all this we need primary or secondary data sets. Data can be available through data collection services.

There are many course work / home work are available for supporting the online data and statistics related work for all kind of business purposes. They assist for making good decision in the competitive business world.From the available data there are many software are available for instant if you have data then just upload it for the analysis. Suppose AMOS is software used for Structural equation modeling and factor analysis. AMOS is a visual program and making graphs with simple drawing tools and very quickly performs and displays the results. For any kind of data analysis or complex data sets can be analyzed through business process outsourcing services to meet the specification. Some of the services are generated data in the online and directly assigned to analysis and reports. Data analytic outsourcing make transaction with data collection computer applications operational and statistical research to solve complex business problems and provide advanced solutions to the business. Market research survey helps to approach critical information and characteristics like using specific product / service effectiveness of market and advertisingschemes and further which product/service sufficiently meet the selected group. All these are done using statistical software SPSS, python, AMOS etc., these are a powerful Statistical analysis software helped to increase the success rate with in time line.More over business forwarded with confidence. Always ready, connected completely and future focused. Business forecasting is easy by using Time series analysis. It predicts the future trends or events based on the previously observed data sets. It is used to understand the determining factors and structure behind the collected data which leads to make good decision.

            Health research institutes and industries are ready to import the designed questionnaire templates for their research work. Every topic there are number of designed data sets are available in the market research and data collection are generated through online or outsourcing services, when the data is generated the researcher first step is study the data whether it is suitable for their business or services through cleaning the data by using SPSS which is very comfortable and easy to apply. After that implement the models like Data mining services and tools is exploring and analysis of large data to discover meaningful pattern and rules. Data mining purpose is to forecast future outcomes by using historical data.Some businesses are in the form of continues or sequence of events to be analyzed in that case probability of each event depends on the previous event. Each sequence is arrange by different events and the length of the sequence may vary from sample to sample, such situations can be analyzed using Markov chain models which is a powerful statistical model to understand how the business is performing.

            There are varieties of Data collection methods in qualitative research work. Which includes observations, textual or visual analysis (eg from books or videos) and interviews (individual or group). However, the most common methods used, particularly in healthcare research, are interviews and focus groups. There are plenty of online and outsourcing research helps are available for primary or secondary data collection to finish their master dissertations and P.hD thesis etc., in the field of medical research the researcher need not having the knowledge of statistical techniques in every step starting from the data collection based on object of their study to till the analysis process they will assist the researcher.Onlinestatistics homework help for both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. They designed questionnaire and collect primary data with a complete understanding of the object of the study. Survey Data Collection Services collaborated with experienced and experts in respective fields therefore they are ready to designed multiple number of questionnaire in different topics which can be satisfied by researcher. They also assist in analysis by using software and experts in statistics. In some studies researcher wants to know relationship between the variables, for this the choice of techniques depends on use of measurement scales and which way they are related each other, for this Multiple regression analysis using SPSS give best performs.  The output getting from the SPSS is very clear to understand. Finally for introducing business analytics and operational research method of liner programming and decision making are the outmost important in market research analysis. For any business prior knowledge of their product / services are most important to become a successful business man. To predict future, it is most essential to collect past data and describe the goods and bad in the past and overcome those things for all these activities we need a analysis like multiple regression analysis, data mining, time series analysis,structural equation modeling, Factor analysis and statistical methods.

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